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In the morning, Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC KC, Governor of New South Wales, received The Honourable Christopher Minns MP, Premier of New South Wales, at Government House.

Afterwards, the Governor and Mr Dennis Wilson received His Excellency Maximo Gowland, Ambassador of Argentina, for a Courtesy Call.

In the afternoon, Her Excellency, as Patron, received Mr Paul Myers, President, and Mr Patrick Gallagher, Vice President, of the Royal Automobile Club of Australia. For further information, visit:

Later in the afternoon, the Governor and Mr Wilson visited the Western Sydney Records Centre in Kingswood to view materials related to the First Nations Community Access to Archives Project.

In the evening, Her Excellency and Mr Wilson attended the Annual Dinner of the NSW Consular Corps, at the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron, Kirribilli.



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