Friday, 10 July 2020
Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC QC, Governor of New South Wales, and Mr Dennis Wilson received the following guests, in the context of a virtual visit to the Tweed Valley region, facilitated by Government House Sydney:
In the morning, Her Excellency and Mr Wilson received Mr Troy Green PSM, General Manager and Managers of Tweed Shire Council.
Subsequently, the Governor and Mr Wilson received Ms Alysia Hopkins, Team Leader, Fred’s Place, a St Vincent de Paul Homeless Support Service.
Later in the morning, Her Excellency and Mr Wilson received Ms Leweena Williams, Chief Executive Officer and Ms Clare Lena, Chief Executive Officer Support Officer, Tweed Byron Local Aboriginal Land Council.
In the afternoon, the Governor and Mr Wilson received Mr Michael Dalton, Chief Executive Officer, and Mr John Bryant, Finance Director, Australia Bay Lobster Producers.